David Lindes
PO Box 14440
Seattle, WA 98114-0440
- UNIX Sys-Admin
- C programmer
- Web Author (occasionally... ;-)
- Remedy Admin (used to be,
- Perl hacker
- Starving Artist (starving for more time to be artistic)
Welcome to Dave's Page!
Some information about me:
My full name is David Alexander Lindes. I usually go by David, but
some people call me Dave. I have some other nicknames too...
At last update of this paragraph, I was 30 years old. (Much of this
page was written when I was 22, though, or 25... yowza. This page is
ancient. It needs an overhaul, too. Ah well, it's getting it in little
pieces. :-/) Since I don't change the page much, though, I'll just let
you know that I was born on the 3rd of February, 1974, at 17:47 PDT
(yes, Daylight time in winter that year in California), so that you can
do the math yourself if you want an up-to-date number. :-)
Projects/hobbies/etc. of mine:
- Photography by David Lindes has some of my
photography work on-line, including Low-light photography by David Lindes,
a low-light photography
write-up (exploring some low-light and related concepts), some
Macro photography by David Lindes, and,
the latest addition, Time-Lapse
photography by David Lindes. (Note: if you're wondering why I
keep putting my name in there, it's just because I want search
engines to find those pages before certain others if and when
someone searches for me by name. Yeah, OK, that's probably lame.
Maybe I'll revert it at some point. But hey, it does happen. I've
got the logs to prove it. Err, ok, I'm done.)
- Some Ray Tracing Experiments.
- Chain Maille (not to be confused with chain letters, which I
despise) -- No pictures or anything just now, so suffice it for now
to say that I enjoy knitting maille.
- Glass Blowing. And before that, a little bit of lampworking -- I
did a few things with just a torch and some small glass
(borosilicate, in particular -- a la Pyrex®) rod and tubing.
For example, I've placed a $1 bill into a piece of glass tubing, and
then sealed both ends, making them round. That's kinda fun. So is
the big-scale glass blowing, though, too, which I picked up after
moving to Seattle. Pictures at Glass by David
- I enjoy reading... lots of stuff, from popular fiction to
psychology texts to the OED.
- Driving. I used to particularly enjoy driving along the California
coast, through forests, and other natural places of beauty. I
haven't been driving much since moving to Washington State, but I'm
sure I will again at some point... there's certainly some natural
beauty to be found around here.
- Given some of the above-listed items, it's probably not
entirely surprising that when I found out about the Degree Confluence
Project, I decided to participate.
(more could be listed, and perhaps eventually will be, but
breathe normally in the mean time, I don't update it much. ;-)
Miscellaneous Links:
External links:
I.e. Random Things I Feel Like Linking To.
- Lyza -- she's fallen off the top
of the list of hits for "lyza" on google, and I feel like helping,
because I like her photography, and I want her to sell me some.